How Much Coolant Loss is Normal? [Any Real Loss is Unacceptable!]

Coolant is an important fluid you need to keep track of in your car. Without it, your engine may overheat and cause further damage to your vehicle.

First, you need to make sure that no coolant is leaking. A coolant loss of around 25% every 4 to 6 months is normal if everything works smoothly.

If the coolant level diminishes more quicker, your vehicle might have a problem. There may be a few reasons for increased coolant loss. 

Causes for Coolant Loss

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Radiator Cap

You should check the radiator cap since it can malfunction from time to time. This radiator cap is responsible for allowing coolant flow from the reservoir. 

This part should be replaced every 2 to 3 years to continue performing properly. If not, it would affect the reservoir pressure causing more than enough coolant to flow through.

Radiator Hoses

Radiator hoses tend to get damaged over time as well. This can cause leaks, especially when the coolant flows through them. 

These hoses are exposed to high temperatures when the vehicle is running. Check them every time you get a tune-up to see if they are still intact.

Head Gasket

If your vehicle does not have enough coolant in its system, it can damage the head gasket. Once the gasket gets worn out and damaged, coolant will be able to enter the combustion chamber. 

This can cause serious destruction to the engine of your car. If your exhaust spews out white smoke, this is most likely the reason for it. 

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Heavy Towing

It is good to know the limit of how much you can load on your vehicle. If you manage to put more than its capability, it can lead to the cooling system working overtime. 

The engine will run at higher temperatures which can cause damage to the cooling system and cause leaks. 

How to Fix Coolant Leaks

You need to locate where the coolant is going before knowing where the damage is. Start your car and take it on a short drive. 

Check underneath for green fluids on the pavement. If there is no fluid, you should check the coolant level to determine if there is any loss.

If the coolant level got lower and there was no fluid underneath the car, it probably entered the engine. You should check the head gasket for any damage. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much coolant does my car need?

It depends on your vehicle type. Most cars need about five liters of engine coolant. 

Four-cylinder engines can hold up to six to seven quarts of coolant. V8 engines, on the other hand, can contain as much as 16 quarts of coolant. 

When topping off your coolant reservoir, you use the same coolant there. 

Do I need to empty my coolant reservoir?

Flushing out your coolant reservoir should only be done if you switch the coolant brand, you’ll put. In terms of car maintenance, it can be done every 50,000 to 100,000 miles. 

If you bring your car to a mechanic, it will cost around $100 to $200 for the service. Each gallon of coolant can cost anywhere from $17 to $25.

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Is there any substitute for coolant?

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You may come across articles on the internet saying you can substitute water for coolant. That is not true because water does not have the same boiling or freezing point range as coolant.

It doesn’t absorb heat that well, either. In an absolute emergency, you can use water but prepare for it to cause some damage to your vehicle possibly.

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